Monday, March 18, 2013

Coffee Fixed!!

I've kicked my coffee habit!!

I haven't had a single cup of coffee for the last 5 weeks!! I can't remember the exact date, and I can't even remember if I made a conscious decision to actually give it up. However, I remember sometime in February, I was experiencing some terrible tiredness. It wasn't 'oh you just need some sleep.' It was extreme fatigue, something that I have had before and only someone that experiences it will ever be able to understand! I was at the point where I could barely put one foot in front of the other, or even hold a conversation as it wore me out!. I remember feeling tearful talking to the husband about how awful I felt and that I was just so darn tired...all the fricking time, I wanted to feel normal, whatever that was!! One thing that I kept talking about with him though, was my diet!

I realised that I had gotten into a vicious coffee cycle and that I was actually drinking it more than water. I thought the coffee was going to give me a lift and the energy I required, but I seemed to get more tired. I would then click the kettle and make another cup in order to make me feel less tired, and then another and another. It wasn't working.

So, how did I get a taste for coffee in the first place? My addiction started really when I started my job at Heathrow Airport. I worked shifts, and commuted (my journey being 130miles a day) some days I was getting up at 3.30am, start work at 6, work 13 hours,  and be home for 9 or 10, then do it all again the next day! It was exhausting, challenging but I loved it! There was a Coffee Shop only a few doors down from where I worked...mmmm hello coffee, let's be friends!!

I then moved to Qatar, our compound, with a coffee shop, meant that I was in there everyday having my coffee fix, sometimes it was twice a day, and if I was at, or if I was seeing a friend...O yeah, more was a bit out of control...

I woke up one morning, and I said 'no thank you' to my hubbie, when he offered to make me a coffee. I continued to say no, and so by the end of the day I hadn't had any at all. However, I remember getting a slight headache, so I had a cup of tea, which completely subsided the pain.

The next day, I decided to continue on this journey. I bought some Green Tea with Earl Grey. It was really satisfying (even hubbie was drinking it) and it was enough to get me through the day. Green Tea, still contains caffeine, but it is at a much lesser amount (less then black tea too) it was enough to avoid those pesky headache withdrawal symptoms!
I did however get some other withdrawal symptoms, I experienced nausea, I had one day of slight fever symptoms- going hot/cold, nausea, feeling weak and constipation. I cannot guarantee it was all withdrawal though, as my boy was sick at the same time I wasn't feeling great, so who knows!?

However, having gone through that, I have come out the other side feeling heaps better!! I feel I have more energy now, the fatigue has improved dramatically, when my bubba wakes me in the morning, I no longer dread having to get up and drag my feet all day. I also feel like I have a clearer head, and my skin no longer feels quite so dehydrated!!

I will also add this. Since giving up the coffee, I have pretty much given up artificial sugar (thanks to Art of Abundant Livings Raw Food classes) and soya, I'm not saying I will never, ever eat either again, but I believe this (more so the artificial sugar)also played a part in my energy levels, or lack of.

Anybody else have any experience with giving up the caffeine?


  1. Inspiring.

    Great Job, keep it up. I am trying to overcome Sugar. Wish me luck :)

    1. Ahh thank you! :)

      I too am on a journey of giving up sugar. Doing a couple of Raw Food classes helped a lot and now I just make a couple of the sweet recipes and keep them in the fridge. When I get a sugar craving, i grab these instead now. Works great!!

      Good Luck with your journey! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I tried giving it up after i read this. I did two days without, but it was a struggle. I had a terrible constant head ache and was sleeping a lot more than normal, however, there is also a bug going around at work, so im pretty sure it was that and not the caffeen. Since then I have decided to cut down instead of give up. I have cut down to 1 cup instead of 4 per day, and have replaced the others with green tea. Too early yet to tell if there are any changes, but we shall see.

    1. Hey Luke, Well done for trying. And What you are doing sounds fab. I think some people do better with cutting it out slowly...rather than just tee total, as that's when you get the problems. Even I still have a small amount of caffeine, as I like Green Tea, but I think it would be easy now, after a few months of no coffee, to just completely give up caffeine all together!
