Friday, October 1, 2010

Dog Walking and baking

So I dropped the hubbie off at work this morning at 5, then got home  and went to bed...I slept til 12!! Ooopps!! Anyway, I dithered around for a few hours and then I went dog walking.
When I got home I was feeling fussy as to what I should eat tonight. After all, it gets boring cooking for yourself when the hubbie is away!! Anyway, after much consideration I decided to make cheeseless pizza and hummus
before cooking the pizza
before mixing the hummus
the pizza was really easy to make...1 arabic bread, tomato paste, and whatever you want to put on top..I put on it
-red pepper
-fresh basil and dill
-dried oregano
I then grilled it and it ended looking a little crisper then I had hoped (to put it politely)

over cooked pizza

Still tasted good though...and my really simple hummus ended up looking like this


I was in a bit of a baking mood, so I went online to find something simple that I could make with the ingrediants that I had...and I came across banana cake..also vegan...I had to adapt the ingredients slightly as I didn't have ALL of them, so we shall see how it turns out, but here it is so far
the mixture
before it went into the oven

eagerly awaiting for it to cook
Once I had a chance to look up, this was what I was faced with!!

But after 5 minutes of intense would have never had known!! all I have to do is wait for the bread to cook hopefully in all its yummyness...