Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sugar free update -Day 1/2

Ok...I admit. I have been totally rubbish. Rubbish at blogging, and rubbish with my own promise of sugar freeness. Life gets in the way and my procrastination too. Social media etc is a brilliant tool but people get too addicted living their own life through it rather then looking up and living life for just how it is...I dont want to be the former and so I find it easy to put down my phone and just 'do life'. I am also bringing up a son and each phase in his little life presents challenges and amazing moments that I would miss if the eyes were focused on the white screen, I want to saviour each moment, so everything else takes a back seat...sorry, not that sorry, about that.

Anyhow, I feel it is time for an the sugar freeness didnt happen....I kinda put it to the back of my brain and forgot about it. There were moments where I didnt eat much of it for sure. But other times I would scoff it down without a thought for what task I had set myself.
The last few days, I have eaten out a lot, eaten the sweet stuff, enjoyed the sweet stuff too. But I started thinking about how much of it I was eating and the impact it had on me once I'd had a taste. It was never JUST a taste. It was a downward spiral of wanting more and more and more and more...until I felt miserable. After speaking with a friend who doesnt eat sugar, I was feeling inspired, motivated and actually ready to tackle this...something I dont think I was after christmas, they were just words in my head at what I needed to do but hadnt actually absorbed.
So after a barbeque, cake, raw balls and red wine...I decided enough. I read about detox and sugar withdrawal symptoms and so feel slightly better prepared.  This time, I have decided to cut out fruit for the first few days to see if it helps tackle sugar craving and to 'reset' the tastebuds.

Yesterday was day 1. I was feeling pretty tired for most of the day. I couldn't decide if it was due to having a few late nights or because my body mainly runs on sugar..and today it wasn't. Perhaps it was a bit of both. By the end of the day though, I was exhausted, bloated, with a sore throat and restless legs. I slept okish but had some weird dreams that felt as though I was awake.

Today is the beginning of day 2. I still feel quite tired and woke up groggy. I feel like doing some yoga today, for the first time in forever. I have been doing quite a bit of HIIT training, but not today, it is like my body is telling me to take it easy and I am ok with that. I am not having cravings, but my goal is to eat enough (and eat lots of greens) to ensure that I am never hungry.
My breakfast has been some CoYo. Which is a coconut yogurt alternative. There is no sugar in it. It is yummy and offers a small amount of sweetness too. I made up a salad for lunch with chickpeas and soya sausage and dinner last night was homemade butternut squash chips with brocoli, sprouts and more salad/sausage. It will be a similar set up today....I hope I can remain strong. From about 1 to 5pm I usually have a major crash in energy and am hoping that doesnt make me reach for the sugar......

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