Hi guys, so today I had to go and have my finger prints taken, the next step for getting my residents permit..The place opens at 7, so with the rush of the medical in mind we decided to go early.
I didn’t sleep very well last night, the husband was working until late and I waited up for him, by the time we got to bed it was like 2 o clock. Then I couldn’t sleep as the air conditioning unit tends to make a loud whirring noise that DOES MY HEAD IN!!! Anyways, the alarm was all set for 6.20 but we both fell back asleep till 6.50, once we were up and on our merry way, I realised that visibility was rubbish and the haze was due to sand in the air…in fact it was a sandstorm…it wasn’t much of a sandstorm to be honest, I’ve been informed that they get much much worse, but it’s something that I’ve never seen before…our car got covered in sand and I got a free microdermabrasion…happy dayz!!
The fingerprinting all went well and later on we decided to do some shopping. We ended up at Lulu’s Hypermarket! This place was fantastic and left me very very happy!! There was a lot of food that I would buy at home; it was expensive but soooo worth it! (I bought Pure butter…it was £3 over here…eek!!) We also bought some foods that we probably wouldn’t normally buy…me and the husband decided that we should try and be a bit more adventurous with our cooking, especially as there is such an array of ingredients in the shops over here..so tonight, we cooked curry…from scratch...we need to work on our rice skills, but the rest was pretty good actually, we dabbled with coconut milk and soya pieces…soya pieces in curry I hear you say?? Yup, and it worked quite well…well I’m vegetarian, I need my protein from somewhere